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How to Convert a Domain Name into a Successful Online Business

How to Convert a Domain Name into a Successful Online Business

Vision and Passion

Domain name, in itself, is like a bare plot of land. What you build on it completely depends upon your vision, focus and passion.

Are you a dreamer? Can you visualise or imagine a nice office or factory building for your business on your plot of land? In the same way, can you imagine a successful web site for your business on your domain name?

Your plot and building provide you physical address for your business and domain name provides you the online address for your business.

I hope, when you are reading this, you will tend to agree that constructing a property or building a web site both are very similar, however there is a huge difference between a piece of land and a domain name and I would like to draw your attention to the same.

With Your Domain Name Sky Is The Limit, Literally!

The best part about a domain name is that it is the most stretchablepiece of virtual land or virtual real estate you can ever get. To give you an analogy with brick and mortar or physical real estate, if you acquire a plot measuring 1 acre, you will be able to construct a limited amount of building(s) on the land as per the local laws. If you need a bigger building for your business you may need to buy adjacent land if available or move part of your business to other location or relocate the entire business.

However, with the domain name it is completely different. You can use the same domain for a one pager brochure web site or a build huge marketplace like Amazon or Ebay or a search engine like Google. This shows that you have complete freedom with your domain name.

Yes, you will need to be imaginative, innovative, and passionate about building your online business.

Great Domain Name is The First Step!

Getting a Great Domain Name is First Step in your exciting journey to a successful online business and is not a destination. The Journey Begins when you decide to acquire the domain name for your business or start-up.

It has been observed that most people fail to convert a great domain name into a successful business. Why? Because in the same way as building an office or factory needs time, resources and plan; building a successful web site or an online business also requires time and resources.

OK, you have taken that all important First Step! What Next?

You may have given some thought to the potential use of the domain before you searched for it, but if you have selected the domain first, you now need to think about how you wish to use your domain or monetise it.

Do you want to use the domain to provide information about your business to create awareness and generate leads or do you want to use the domain as a platform for a community to meet and discuss their issues or do you want to sell products online as an ecommerce platform?

This second step will decide what further steps you will need to take to launch your online business.

If you think, you are now entering a rough and unknown terrain, VRE Net Team may be able to help. For last over 30 years, we as a team have been involved in businesses in international IT services, web and software development, data processing, outsourcing, legal services, building online marketplaces, commercial real estate and banking and we feel that we can help you decide the right path for you in creating your business around the domain you have selected.

Most of the domains you see on this web site have been registered by us and associate businesses, with the intention that we will develop them, however we feel it would be a good idea to let someone else develop the domains or find partners who can give shape to our ideas. If you agree and like any of the domains on VRENet.com, let us have a brief initial chat.

To give an example, we are currently working on developing UKBPO.com for the Business Process Outsourcing industry of the UK and UKFFC.com as Football Fans Club and Fantasy Football Club.

We will also be happy to help you find a special domain name for your business which is short, easy to remember and brandable. Contact us today by completing the form below.